Reagan turns 1 two weeks from today. I can't believe how fast the time has flown bye and I wouldn't change a minute of it for the world. One question I often get when out with them by myself is "how far apart are they?" When I answer 21 months (which I don't think is too awfully close) I often get a "wow. how do you do it?" or "you must stay busy." And yes we do stay busy, but we chose 21 months on purpose. We wanted them to be close enough in age that they could play together, be friends, and have some common interests, etc. I won't say it has been a walk in the park. There have been rough times, tough times, and times I thought I was crazy. But one thing makes it all worth it...and that is seeing the sweet love they have for each other.

Reagan adores Mason. I mean ADORES him. For months she has watched him run around, play, and bring her toys and know that she is moving she is determined to keep up with him. Tonight in the bath tub, I even saw her get a toy from him without him noticing a feet even I have not mastered.

And Mason, well he has loved her from the very beginning. His "Ra," and now his "Reagan Marlowe." He tries to calm her tears when she is upset, he gives her goldfish when she is hungry, and he "
snunnles" her to show his love.

Daily I am reminded that although having 2 under 2 was hard it is all worth it.
My cup
runneth over.