Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day of School

Yesterday, we headed off to our first day of Preschool for Mason, and Mother's Day Out for Reagan. Both kiddos were super excited to head to school- so much so, we left 25 minutes early (school is about 10 minutes away from our house) so we were early.  Mason ran right into his class, put up his backpack and started playing. He did awesome and is very happy with his teacher, Mrs. Newman. Reagan was just as excited to head to school, but once we got there, she became a little less happy and a little more nervous. She walked into her classroom, put up her backpack, and slowly started to play. When I left though, there were tears. It was a short day as parents attended orientation in the church and when I returned I am happy to report, she was playing, no tears, all smiles! When I asked her if she wanted to come back she said yes! I think it's going to be a good year.

Leaving for school. ALL SMILES!

I asked them to turn around so I could get a look at their backpacks. 
Reagan decided to pose instead. 

Mason and his teacher. 

Just for fun. Here is Reagan and Mason both on their first day of Mother's Day out.
PS. I have to say, mom (me) did pretty well too. I only shed two small tears when I dropped Reagan off. I can't believe how old she is!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dog Days Are Over!

Tomorrow school starts.  I can't believe summer is over but even more amazing to me, is that I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Reagan starts Mother's Day Out tomorrow and she is so excited about school. I know Mason went to school last year, but walking into the school yesterday to meet his teacher- I got a knot in my stomach too. It's happening. They are growing up. Fast. Ugghh. We're ready for school and tomorrow will be great. But today, I just want to think about them being my babies.
In honor of the end of summer, here are some pictures from the pool this weekend. Steve's brother and his wife came in town to spend the weekend with us and the kids LOVED having Uncle Bryan and Aunt Michelle to play with.

This is the life!

Aunt Michelle, Reagan, and Uncle Bryan lounging in the water. 

Reagan jumped to Aunt Michelle. 

My first attempt at french braids in her thin little hair. They held up pretty well. 

Mason loves the little mermaid float just as much as Reagan.
 (this is probably the only pink thing he likes!)

My bathing beauties. 

Reagan is definitely my people watcher!

Uncle Bryan spent a lot of time squirting people with the water gun so when Mason got the chance, he poured a bucket on his head. Uncle B was a great sport about it!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Little Superheroes

We had some friends over the other day and the kids decided to play superheroes.They all dressed up and ran around the house saving the world one bad guy at a time.  I love getting to witness their creativity first hand everday.

Reagan and J LOVE playing together and I am so glad I caught their expressions on this one.

Mason looks up to H so much and loves playing with her.

We ran out of superhero capes so we improvised and used bibs for Reagan and J!