We knew this day was coming. We have known for a while, that Mase was getting too big for bink, but we were worried, how would it go? He only used it at nap time and night time, but in our few attempts to try a nap or bedtime without bink, it was a HUGE FAIL. So we needed back up. We asked for advice, got tips from other people and finally decided that there would never be a "good" time to say goodbye to bink. We ordered "Pacifiers are not forever" and began reading it to him at night. Talking up what a big boy he was, etc. We would ask your a big boy right? "yes mommy" so you are too old for bink right? "no mommy." He still seemed hesitant. That is...until we took him to the Disney Store and told him he could pick out 6 cars from the Disney Pixar Cars film. He picked his 6- McQueen, Mater, a tractor, Red (the firetruck), the helicopter, and Seymour (the VW van). Then I dropped the bomb, I told them we could get them but he had to buy them, but the only thing he had to "sell" was bink. I made sure he knew that if he wanted the cars, he had to give bink to the sales lady. He said yes and ran to the counter. The transaction went a lot smoother than I thought and we left the store with a happy little customer.
On the way home we talked about where bink was (at the store), and how much more fun the cars would be than bink. When we got home, we decided to make it an even more special night, so we had our first dinner and a movie night. We had dinner in the living room (a very special treat) and watched Cars. He was so excited to see his cars in the movie.
That night, he asked for bink when we went upstairs and we reminded him that he sold them for his cars and although he was sad, he didn't cry and went on with his routine. It has been going great since. We couldn't have asked for a better transition.
Here are some pictures from our bink adventure!
Mason and his bag of goodies!

Displaying them ALL on the table

We asked him to show mommy one for the camera (this is what we got)

Admiring his loot with dad.

He lined them all up and said "train!"

Tipping the tractor!

Bye, bye, bink! Best $30 we have ever spent!
our last pic with bink (Dec. 2010)