Shortly after Steve and I got married a dear friend shared an idea with me. She was going to save her wedding dress so part of it could be used as a baptismal gown for her children. I remember thinking what a cool idea. Although I loved my wedding dress I knew that in 20 some years, it wouldn't be in style and I didn't want to force my dress on our daughter (if we had a daughter) so I decided to sell so someone else could have a happy memory in it. But, I kept the
Shaw it came with. My friends' idea had stuck with me and I wanted a piece of my special day to pass on. I didn't think the material would look good on a boy so for Mason's baptism, my sister's mother in law made his outfit but I held out hope that we would have a girl and I could use the
Shaw to make her gown.
Fast foward five years later, our sweet baby girl is born and I am ready to put that
Shaw to use. Again, my sister's mother in law made the gown, but when I sent her the
Shaw I never dreamed of what the gown would look like- I hoped she could incorporate a little of the fabric into the dress- I never dreamed that the entire gown could be made from the
Shaw. The first time I saw it, I was in awe. It came out beautifully and I couldn't have asked for a better or more special keepsake to pass on to Reagan. I hope she can one day pass it on to her children as well and tell them the story behind her special dress.
The four of us with the priest after Reagan's baptism.

Reagan and the dress. It was heavy and hot but she was a trooper and never complained.

I love this one up close of her.

In case you wanted to see where it all came from. Here it is five years earlier.

Another special point- both Reagan and Mason were baptized at the church where Steve and I got married. It also happens to be the same church that both of our parents were married and Steve was baptized. Traveling to TN for the baptism was a little rocky- I think traveling with a 2 month old anywhere is rocky, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. That church holds many special memories for us and I hope it continues to hold memories for our kids.