For Memorial Day we decided to take a little road trip (our first as a family of four) to Little Rock to visit our sweet friend Paige, who was visiting from Seattle. I know Little Rock isn't your typical tourist destination but we had an amazing trip. It was about a 9 hour drive so we drove 3 the first night, stopped in Nashville to spend the night at my sisters and then drove the remaining 6 the next day. On the way back we drove 3 to Hernando, MS to visit Steve's college
Crile, spent the night in MS and then drove the remaining 6 back. The whole trip went great- especially the car rides which I was worried about. It was also great to catch up with old friends. I love when you can pick up where you left off.
Here are some highlights from Mason:
Mason- "Daddy, where we going?
Daddy- "Little Rock."
M- "Little Rock scares me. Let's go to Big Rock."
D- "Little Rock is not scary and where is Big Rock?"
Mason on the hotel
Mason- "Mommy where we staying?"
Me- "a hotel"
Mason- (he sees the hotel) "
Oooohhh, a big house. I like the big house."
He also mastered the eta-
vator (elevator) and
leen (trampoline)
Reagan experienced some firsts on this trip as well. her first night in a hotel. her first time in a pool. her first time facing forward in the car.
Mason and Reagan snuggling in the hotel.

Mason working on his airplane.

Mason checking out his final product.

Will and Mason showing off their planes and certificates.

Will and Mason on a playground.

Mason and Dad riding the fire truck.

Reagan sporting my shades at the pool.

Reagan and Dad hanging out in the pool.

Mason enjoying the water.

Mason, Cameron, and Wesley riding in the jeep.

Mason and Wesley in the trampoline.

It was a great trip and I look forward to our next road trip!