On Saturday, we headed back out to the beach for the morning. As soon as we got there Mason was ready to get back in the water! He loved getting out into the waves and splashing around in the low tide. We began the morning building another sandcastle and this time, Mason decided to "bling" out the castle with shells on top. I have to say it is really hard to build a sandcastle with Reagan constantly trying to step on it, but we did!
Both kiddos were very proud of their hard work!

My Aunt Cherry joined us again, as well as my Aunt Tammy. I was so happy to get to spend time with them and get to watch them bond with Mason and Reagan. Tammy and Mason walked the beach looking for seashells and Reagan, Steve, Cherry, and I headed out to splash in the waves. Apparently Mason has a lot of Knapper traits- including being pretty picky on what shells he picks up, and cleaning them before leaving the beach :)
Reagan splashing in the water.

Look at that LAUGH! It was a true belly laugh!

Reagan jumping the waves.

Mason and Aunt Tammy looking for shells.

After lunch we decided to try out a local park. It was so much fun- it was HUGE and had a toddler area as well as a splash pad. Mason must have gone down the slide at least 50 times. He was having a blast. Reagan ran around and enjoyed the swings. I wish we could have spent more time there but it was HOT and we were planning to go out to dinner with our family so we needed to head back for the kids to rest and get ready to head out.
Aunt Cherry with Mason and Reagan

We were planning to stay until Monday, but we started watching the weather and realized if we left Monday we would hit rainy weather the ENTIRE drive, so we packed up and headed out Sunday morning. The nice thing about having a grandpa with a beach house is we know we can always go back! Before leaving we did take some beach pictures but I will save those for tomorrow.