Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Marlowe's Pizzeria

We have entered a new phase with Mason, one that I like to call the "Iself" phase. "I do that, mommy," "me, me, Mason Marlowe, I do that," "Iself, all by Iself." And while this phase has some challenges it also provides many opportunities to let him explore his new found freedom. Like in the kitchen.
He loves to help in any way he can so when making out our meal schedule this week I decided to try something new- make your own pizza night. Pizza is typically a hit so I figured it would be pretty hard for us to mess up a winner. It turned out better than I could have imagined. With very little help from me, Mason made our dinner and it was delish. And more importantly, I had a little boy who was super proud of himself and his dinner making skills. Now to work on cleanup!
Spreading the pizza sauce

Adding the cheese
Adding the petterodi (pepperoni)

asking if he can eat an olive. everyone has to taste test while cooking.

lining the olives up- is there any other way to place them.

the finished product

headed to the oven

He was so proud of himself. Cutting the pizza.

and he kept cutting, and cutting, and cutting!

I couldn't resist to add a picture of Reagan from the park today. Pigtails and all. She enjoyed the pizza as well and was grape quality control while Mason and I cooked.

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